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4 weeks ago
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
- Robert Wilensky
Congrats Buddy. Good luck with it.
Congrats! What an awesome way of posting about it. I LOVE old photographs.
Congratulations! Many, many happy years of peace, love and happiness for you!
Congratulations. You are now a landed gentlemen. Survey your realm with pride.
that last comment was bill at industrialblog.
What a cool picture! You are so lucky to have it!
Thanks, everybody! The first party's a few months away, but I'll let you know when it is! And if anybody happens to be in or passing through Northeastern Pennsylvania, let me know and I'll show you around the place!
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