I'm sick. I think. It's been so long since I've been sick, I'm not really sure.
Yesterday I felt pretty awful. Worn out. Light-headed. Woozy. Thought that was all just normal stuff, especially after the big huge grocery shopping trip yesterday morning.
But then the specific symptoms started while I was at work. Burning eyes. Itching sinuses. Running nose. Coughing. Increased skin sensitivity. And a sore throat that started at the base of my sinuses and gradually worked its way down my throat.
Now I have the Barry White voice and a sore throat. I don't feel especially rotten. I probably shouldn't go in to work tonight, but if I take a sick day instead of working, I'll lose four hours of overtime pay. Four hours of pay. I can't afford that.
I'm isolated enough that I probably shouldn't expose too many other people to whatever this is. And we'll see how I feel for the trip down to the vet's in Allentown tomorrow morning.
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5 weeks ago
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