Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The second Presidential debate, for the record

Here's C-SPAN's YouTube video of the debate:

And here is CNN's transcript:

To be honest, I only listened to the first few minutes of the debate. The random-questions-from-random-people format didn't really work on the radio, nor does the sort of persuasive speaking used in a town hall format - a more expressive, physical sort of communication - come across well in an audio-only format. I videotaped it, though, and can watch the playback at my leisure.

Listening to the Vice Presidential debate on the radio last week meant that I denied myself the opportunity to be winked at by Sarah Palin in her sultry seductress dominatrix MILF outfit. In fact, I had no idea that she was flirting with her national audience until I read this entry on Todd's Postcards From Hell's Kitchen. I just wish the Governor would use her debate voice in all of her public appearances. Her normal speaking voice sounds to me like someone squeaking a balloon while dragging their fingernails across a chalkboard in front of a television whose picture tube is going sour while under fluorescent lights that are about to burn out, all while somebody puffs on a dog whistle and walks across a floor in squeaky shoes as a train screeches to a halt next to a car whose timing belt desperately needs to be replaced. Or something like that.

Saturday Night Live's version of the Vice Presidential debate:

1 comment:

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Yeah, that Debbie Ford that I mentioned in my post on "Postcards..." nailed Palin's personality profile and sorted out all the little things that bothered me about her... But, I couldn't quite put my finger on why...