Black suit, black dress. No black tie?
Dominatrix vs. zombie. Do Biden's eyes always look like this now?
Palin is doing much better than I expected. BUT - she is also doing something I expected - going off with responses that have nothing to do with the questions.
BINGO: Question on exit strategy in Iraq, and Palin has just spewed out a solid minute of catchphrases and jingo. But as I started to type this, she did mention that "we have a plan" - and that was it, right back to talking points.
I guess, in a sense, she answered the question. No, we don't have a plan, though we say we do.
Oh, "surrender plan." A favorite of the Repugs.
9:44: Biden on the attack. Finally.
More talking points, more blather. She's reined in the randomness...mostly. Some of this is gonna read funny in the transcript.
9:54: What the hell was that hiss? Was that Biden trying not to explode as Palin patronized him? "Gee, Senator, it's nice to know now that you support Israel," after he just stressed that Israel has had no better friend in Congress than Joe Biden? Basically she just admitted that she has no idea...
10:07: John McCain knows how to win a war?
Palin was going on about blunders in Iraq. Do elaborate, Governor!
10:17: Biden is smashing Cheney.
10:18: Again, ANSWER THE GODDAMN QUESTION, GOVERNOR. Greatest weakness: inability to answer direct questions.
10:20: And Biden's response to the question "What is your weakness, your Achilles' Heel?" is what Palin would have said if she had any sense: my passion. OK? That's the way you do it.
OK. Palin didn't fall flat, not entirely. Biden didn't condescend. If anything Palin was condescending towards Biden.
Biden nearly flubbed a few times, nearly saying "Obama" when he meant "McCain." Palin went off on tangents, ignored questions, rattled off talking points - all as expected, but not in the quantities expected.
Verdict: Biden won. More substance. Palin didn't come across as as much of an idiot as she could have, but she also ignored questions and rambled on.
CNN: Transcript of Palin, Biden debate
C-SPAN video of Vice Presidential Debate:
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4 weeks ago
OMG! If Palin said noo-kyoo-ler one more time ... We do NOT need four more years of someone (and I think McCain says it, too) who butchers the English language!
Having said that, Palin did better than I thought she would, but I thought she sounded VERY rehearsed - like she had memorized her answers and was reading them back like movie lines. She also never missed an opportunity to use a catch phrase, i.e. "real change is coming!" and "You betcha!" I can see Tina Fey taking notes for Saturday night's skit.
she did as well as i expected in that she isn't stupid and stuck to rehearsed lines and some planned attack lines.
i guess - the VP only steps in during the direst of emergencies when the President has been killed or dies unexpectedly. in that case, why select someone with little experience of foreign affairs and the DC mechanics? you want someone experienced to not only deal with being President, but also the crisis of a President's demise.
Palin isn't evil or terrible exactly, but she simply was a political choice - not a choice geared towards the VPs greatest role - to step in during an emergency.
McCain's choice of Palin says all you need to know about his ambition versus wise leadership.
i think the public sees it that way - at least enough to keep McCain out of the White House.
There needs to be a law...if you can't SAY "nuclear", you don't get any voice in the use of anything nuclear (either weapon or energy source).
Also, if she said the word "also" one more time, I also would like to strangle her also.
Unfortunately, she didn't come off sounding as moronic as I hoped she would. She sounded smart enough to the dimwits who can't see thru the rehearsed parrot-like squawking points.
Biden did nothing to change people's view of him. Palin showed she isn't the moron many people thought she was. The bottom line will be if the American people truly believe Obama is a leader. Its now his race to win or lose. And if he shakes my hand between now and November 4, I'll vote for him.
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