Please remember to click on the links in the Silence Is The Enemy post every day in June. It costs you nothing, and it generates revenue for an important cause.
My posting may become irregular over the next few days, as work and a visit from my sister overlap. If I'm not around for a while, I'll leave you with this:
Big and little: Scooter hovering over Bowie.
Three siblings: BlueBear at top, Bowie at bottom left, Thor at bottom right. Note the different patterns on Bowie and Thor. In this picture, Bowie appears to have an "angry face", while Thor appears to have a "happy face". "We found your camera cable!" The gap between keyboard and monitor is guarded by two dinosaurs. Actually, the Elasmosaurus on the right is technically not a dinosaur. And the Styracosaurus on the left bears a stamp indicating that he is actually a "Styrarus."
I received this e-mail the other day and was immediately inclined to ignore it. But the links checked out, and it looked legitimate. I figured I would ask around to see if anyone else received it:
I just stumbled upon your site and I’m not sure if you’re interested but we created a gift card for your readers which gives them $30 to spend at our store.
Sorry if I’ve wasted any of your time!
Feel free to shoot me any questions or ideas if your keen...
All your readers need to do is visit our website and enter the code ANOTHERMON into the cart. We ship to all countries and there are no conditions.
Kind Regards,
(NOTE: These shoes are NOT Uggs, despite what I wrote in the title.)
Turns our Dr. Isis received a similar (though not identical) letter. She also believes it is legitimate. Now, these aren't exactly the sort of shoes I would wear, and I'm not getting anything out of this offer, but I figured there is no loss (and some benefit) to the Cosmic All by passing this offer along. I mean, if you're inclined to want this sort of thing, you'll probably know whether the prices being offered at the store (less a $30 coupon) are decent. If anyone knows of any scammy aspect of this offer, please let me know.
Well, so much for me! Better start getting ready for work.
They look like Uggs to me too. I can't wear 'em because I use custom arch supports and I don't think you can fit them in. I also don't see any mention on their site of how wide your feet should be - my feet are too wide for most "normal" brands. Grump, because I'd love a pair!
oooo....those kitties are so dang cute. Actually Bowie looks high, not angry....LOL too much catnip.
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