Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Josh Fruhlinger has a Posse

Josh Fruhlinger has a Posse

OK, I guessed at Josh's height and weight based on his appearance on Jeopardy last week, where he towered over everyone else on stage by at least a foot. The image is, of course, an homage to the Andre the Giant has a Posse images.

My inspiration for creating this was the fact that I was stuck for about twenty minutes behind a meth addict in line at the grocery store today. (All the other lines offered even more horrifying options.) That's the sort of thing that makes me want to just go home and play with the Adobe PhotoDeluxe program that came with my scanner.

When I got home and checked my e-mail I was delighted to see that the amazing Dean Booth, master of post-publication comics modification, had accepted, finalized, and uploaded my latest humble effort. You don't have to be a fan of Mary Worth, or even be familiar with the strip at all, to get the joke: Mary Worth and Dr. Jeff go to a Concert.

UPDATE, 7/30/08: Based on feedback from Josh himself, I have corrected his height and weight - he was playing against tiny, tiny people on Jeopardy, and it is a tribute to his humanity that he did not simply crush them with his bare hands and claim first place for himself. I have also adjusted the image color to more closely resemble the Andre the Giant has a Posse image, and changed the font (mostly) to Akbar, which is based on Matt Groening's lettering in the Life in Hell comics.

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