I was scrolling through the photos on the SD card from the camera I keep in the car and I came across one that I initially assumed was just another sunset image taken from the street in front of our house. Then I looked at it more closely and realized I had no idea where it had been taken.
I'm confused by the odd lights, the strange chimney thing on the middle right, the odd geometry of the dormer on the house to the right of center. Where was this? It was taken February 2, 2017. What was I doing at sunset that day?
I discovered a clue while uploading the photo: at bottom left are two circles with the words "BURGER KING" in them.Was this taken from, perhaps, the parking lot of the drugstore across the street from the Nanticoke Burger King? Next time I'm there, I'll have to check to see if the details match.
Header image stockpile
5 weeks ago
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