(Clarifications and corrections: It's not clear whether the policeman in this incident was from Dallas or Dallas Township. The event was a memorial service, not a wake. And the aneurysm did not necessarily occur while the woman was sleeping. All other information has been checked and confirmed by the person who witnessed these events.)
This is just outrageous.
It isn't my story. It's a friend's story, and she'll tell it soon. But it ticks me off enough that I want to give the story some air, too.
She was at the wake of her former boss. My friend had worked for this woman at a company that was acquired last year by another company, which then let go of large portions of its newly-acquired staff - including my friend. On December 31, they also disposed of my friend's former boss.
A little over a week ago, my friend's boss had an aneurysm in her sleep. A few days later she died. But she will live on, in the organs that were harvested from her body that will be used to save other lives. Sixteen organs. Maybe sixteen lives saved thanks to her. I didn't know you had that many harvestable organs.
Today was her wake. It was in Dallas, an area composed of rural landscape and overpriced houses. It's a pretty place, and I go there to shop sometimes - the local Agway is there, as was one of my favorite natural food stores.
The wake was crowded. Standing room only. Cars filled the church's parking lot, as well as the parking lots of several nearby businesses. A tribute, of sorts, to the woman.
Until the police showed up.
It might have been a single cop. He entered the wake and announced that there had been complaints about the parking situation, and unless some cars were moved immediately they were going to be towed.
OK. Maybe this cop didn't notice that he was at a wake, and didn't think that maybe he should behave a bit more respectfully. Maybe he had just had a long hard day of protecting the public from the worst criminal filth out there and was under a lot of stress. Maybe extenuating circumstances exist that could excuse his behavior.
Or maybe he was just a little tin god, a schoolyard bully all grown up and now carrying a badge and a gun and a chip on his shoulder with the words I AM THE LAW engraved on it.
Scumbags like this give all cops the name "pig". It may not be fair, but it's a problem the good cops should deal with. If there are any of them left.
A little old lady with breathing issues, walking with a cane, approached him. She was one of the people he had called out, demanding that she immediately move her car. She chided him for behaving inappropriately.
He responded by telling her fine, he'll just have her car towed. Then he slammed the door and left.
I'm amazed he didn't arrest her on the spot for disorderly conduct.
Maybe someone has complained about him. Maybe someone got his badge number, or his patrol car number. Maybe someone will read this and start making some inquiries. Maybe the Dallas Police will look into this matter and, after a lengthy investigation, determine that the officer was guilty of nothing more than overzealously enforcing parking laws. Or, if they should determine that some form of punishment is called for - perhaps administrative leave, with full pay and benefits - the Police union will descend upon them, demanding that the cop in question be restored to his previous position, and given a hefty raise and promotion in recognition of his bravery.
Are there any good cops left? Does anyone else have a problem with this sort of behavior?
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4 weeks ago
Little man, big badge. Hooray for the little old lady who told him to mind his manners. I hope she was able go get her car moved before the little man had it towed!
Oh, that was just completely inappropriate. Very poor behavior on behalf of The Law.
And, you know, is was probably some ding dong who couldn't get their regular parking spot who made the complaint to the police to begin with.
The mourners and the family deserve an apology.
True story.
There are good cops left but that pig wasn't one of them. That kind of behavior is inexcusable.
Under the circumstances, that was very inconsiderate of him to walk into a wake to disturb mourning people and badger them with something so silly as "parking". These cops have a lot of time on their hands obviously.
The cops in Oakland, CA are too busy dodging bullets to bother with mis-parked cars at funeral homes. On the other hand, we do have a lot of funerals...
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