March 15 was the last time I was able to go online in Ireland, and it was the first time I discovered that Sammie's from Australia was offline. After returning to Nanticoke I was frustrated by my repeated failures to get onto Sammie's site. I eventually rummaged through my address book and found her e-mail address and fired off a message. I was delighted to get something back from Sammie which told me that her site was down due to technical issues with her web hosting service, not because she'd been eaten by koalas or carried off by a bunyip or swept away in the cyclone which hit a part of Australia about as close to her home as New Orleans is to Nanticoke (which is to say, not anywhere near).
It's been three weeks now. I just got another search engine query hit on my site from for the phrase " gone?" I've been getting a trickle of searches looking for this sort of information. People miss I miss I miss Sammie's writing, her gentle, self-effacing humor, her occasional deep insights, even her moments of self-doubt. I miss hearing about what's going on with her. I miss seeing her amazing photography. And I miss Sammie.
Sammie, I hope your site comes back soon. A lot of us do.
Related Posts:
Update, 5/4/2006: Sammie's new site is coming soon!
Sammie's deviantART site (April 30, 2006 - a link to an update by Sammie herself!)
The Blogger Buddy System (April 14, 2006)
Header image stockpile
5 weeks ago
I certainly miss it... and her. She's one of the main reasons I started my site.
I think I'll fire off an e-mail to her too.
Been following her webcam and site for quite a number of years now. Lost sight of it for a while, but you remind me how I always enjoyed her style and wims.
I miss her too
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