Back to work in a few hours. These three days off have been fairly packed. Yesterday featured a trip to drop off my documents to have my taxes done, my cousin having a baby while my mom and I were at the tax preparer's, and the long-anticipated bloggers' gathering (which, as I have reported, was a smashing success.)
Now it's back to work for four-and-a-third days. My schedule is as follows:
Saturday, March 27 - Tuesday March 30: Work, 6PM - 6AM
Wednesday, March 31: Work, 6PM - 10PM
Thursday, April 1: Make chocolate Easter Eggs. Meet friends for dinner in Scranton at 6:15.
Friday, April 2: Dye Easter Eggs, start seeds, prune rosebush, finish pruning grape vines
Saturday, April 3: Birthday party for friends' daughter
Sunday, April 4: Easter. Also, set out prunings for pickup by city.
Monday, April 5 - Wednesday April 7: Work, 6PM - 6AM
Thursday, April 8: Work, 6PM - 10PM
Friday, April 9 - Monday, April 12: Off
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1 month ago
How far back have you researched the Jenkins' family's history in the Wyoming Valley? My first cousin is a Jenkins. Her father grew up in Kingston right near the Wyoming Seminary football field.
Hmmmm...the running joke is that none of the local Jenkins families are related to any of the others. But my father grew up in Kingston, right around there.
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