Monday, May 05, 2008

Does anybody know somebody...

...who knows somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody whose cousin's sister-in-law's best friend's uncle's buddy's niece is on the staff of Oprah?

Whim is putting her story into book form, and frankly, publicizing Whim's story might just be Oprah Winfrey's entire reason for existence. What happened to Whim - and how Whim has soldiered through it all - is the sort of thing that Oprah could easily devote an entire show to.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, start here and work your way through using the links on the sidebar.* Just be sure to have a few hours you can spend reading. If you're like me - and a lot of other people apparently are, in this respect at least - you'll find yourself reading Whim's entire story from beginning to end.

Maybe at some point somebody on Oprah Winfrey's staff will do just that. And Oprah will make sure the whole world knows Whim's story.

*Oh, hell. Here are her posts, in order. This was swiped from her sidebar:

from The Babblings of a Whimsical-Brainpan :

The Fire


whimsical brainpan said...

*blush* Thank you DB!

The plan is to get an agent first, get published, and then go on Oprah. That way she'll put me in her book club and I'll sell a lot of books. Well, one can dream anyway...

Bill said...

They can help you find an agent and since they know the business, they'll tell you what shape your manuscript is in.

Or you can go straight to the agents.

I'd go to agent research first.