Ugh. It's garbage night. I have to collect the garbage and recyclable plastics from around the house. Change the litterboxes. Feed the cats. Put out food for the strays. Try to figure out what bills I can pay this week. I'm thinking I should deal with those pesky state and local taxes, on which I owe $2 and $186, respectively. Nanticoke doubled its local tax rate while I was unemployed, and things got a little complicated. Plus I have at least one phone call to make, and a TV program to videotape for my mom. And I should get the hell to bed at a reasonable hour.
It was pointed out to me that I keep talking about posts I intend to write, and then never get around to them. That's true. I do plan on writing them...when I get around to it. Today would have been a good time, but I never got around to it. I've got one of them saved as a WordPad file. It just doesn't have a conclusion yet.
Richard Leakey is coming to Wilkes College on Sunday, May 4. I'm thinking I'd like to go. If there's anyone who'd like to come with (as the kids say), just let me know.
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1 month ago
1 comment:
I have so many post either half finished, barely started or still just an idea in my head. I really need to find a good system to keep track of them so they actually get posted eventually.
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