Monday, March 17, 2008

Help me with this quote

OK, this is in lieu of about a dozen other posts I don't have the energy for right now. It also lets me avoid writing a post that just says "I am tired" - or even worse, "I got nothin'."

It's a quote that came up in an IM conversation last night.
"Life is full of little disappointments."
It sounds pseudo-philosophical (and most of its appearances on the Internet are, in fact, pseudo-philosophical), but it was intended sarcastically - and I'm pretty sure it was intended sarcastically the first time I heard it. But where? It sounds like it could have come out of the mouth of a villain - or a super-villain - but which one? Casanova Frankenstein in Mystery Men? Jack Nicholson's Joker in Tim Burton's Batman? The arch-nemesis in the old Dungeons & Dragons-inspired TV show Wizards and Warriors?

The tone is mock-sympathetic and mock-wistful. It reminds me of Tony Shalhoub's "It's the little things" in Galaxy Quest (after he has successfully transported the Rock Monster into a chamber full of bad guys), and, for some reason, of Winona Ryder's "It's good to want things" in Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (a movie I've never seen, but it was in the trailer, which I did see.)

It may not have even been in a movie. (I definitely didn't hear it in Against the Law, a movie I never even heard of until I tried looking this up.) Maybe it was in a book? Somewhere? Maybe? Anybody?

Posts you're missing out on:

Words have power
"Snakes on a Plane" and the 2008 elections
A Rock Too Heavy To Lift

I'm pretty sure I'll write each of those. But not tonight.


Ashley said...

THANKS! Now I'm going to go crazy trying to figure out where the heck that quote is from!
I'll let you know if I figure it out.

Ashley said...

Okay, I had to know so I searched the Internet. Have you ever heard of a movie called Against the Law?
I hadn't but this is what I found.

D.B. Echo said...

Yeah, I saw that one too. I can't believe that that's the only movie that has that quote listed!

I'm wondering if it might be from Babylon 5. Sounds like the sort of thing G'Kar might have said. Or maybe Londo.