Tomorrow is also the day that work begins on some bridges on I-81 between Moosic and Avoca. Just some maintenance work, safety stuff, some traffic tie-ups and delays. Should be done in...about two years. I kid you not.
Yes, it's a pain in the butt. But we all remember what happened in Minnesota last August, don't we? No, we probably don't. It took me a minute to remember just which state the bridge was in. Well, this work is to make sure images like this one, of I-81 just North of Avoca...

UPDATE: Thanks to Michelle, I now know that these repairs have been put off until next...Sunday??? From
Major I-81 Bridge Project Delayed
Last Updated: March 3, 2008 08:06 AM ESTThe start of a $7 million bridge project on Interstate 81 has been postponed until March 9. Four interstate bridges, two northbound and two southbound between Avoca and Moosic will be under construction. For the first week, expect night-time southbound lane restrictions. After the first week, expect possible on-and-off lane restrictions southbound and no lane restrictions northbound. On-ramps from Moosic to Interstate 81 southbound will be controlled by a stop sign. Crossovers are being built in the median but they probably won't be ready until late this year or spring of 2009.
DB, I think they put this construction on hold. You should check the news sites. I remember distinctly hearing that it was put on hold. Hell if it gives you an extra 30 mins in the morning, why not.
They probably put it on hold until Memorial Day weekend
It was put on hold until the 9th. Now, I think it's been pushed back another week. Don't look for anymore updates until the project actually starts!
watching the news right now, and i have to say things look different than i thought they would...
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