Hrrrm. It's raining. Better get the pumps ready. This could get ugly. It's the last day of Winter.
Tomorrow is the first day of Spring. It's supposed to snow.
Unlike last year, there will be no pictures of the Last Moon of Winter, or before and after comparisons of my rosebush. No countdown on QVC, either. Well. maybe there will be, but I think the actual handoff happens at 1:48 AM, nearly five hours from now. A little late for me to be up on a work night. Besides, I may have to be up early tomorrow to run the furshlugginer pumps.
Bill Clinton was in Wilkes-Barre today. He was running late, which is not unusual for him. Once again the event was free and open to the public. I hope he didn't make Michelle late picking up her kids.
One caller to a local news station railed about how the newscasters keep referring to him as "President Clinton." "It's 'Ex-President Clinton' or 'Former President Clinton!'" she scolded. "He's not the President anymore!" Umm, sorry to tell ya, honey, but you're wrong. The proper term for a President is still "President", even after he (or she) no longer holds the office. (Though I am seeing many published instances of the use of "Former President." Looks like I'll have to dig up my Strunk and White. Fun fact: the proper form of address for a Diplomat is "Your Excellency." Ain't that a kick?)
Barack Obama continues to make himself scarce. Even yesterday's speech (which was either a historic piece of oratory, a necessary bit of damage control, or a desperate attempt to deflect criticism while avoiding the issues, depending on who you talk to) was a closed event, for invited guests only. At what point will Barack Obama actually begin campaigning in Pennsylvania?
Tomorrow I'm meeting some friends for dinner after work. Then I'm off for three days.
Thunder outside.
I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed soon.
Geez, I hope I don't have to pump.
Header image stockpile
5 weeks ago
i had to study strunk and white excessively in school: keep in mind that a good portion of their 'rules' were simply their 'preferences.'
not that the work as a whole doesn't have it's merits...but, well, i guess i could point you to the first few entries on my blog (from sept 2004), where i was forced to write about them on a blog that i was forced to create for a class.
funny, the blog stuck.
the strunk and white?
not as much.
on second thought, i can't really advise reading anything i wrote that long ago. tread not into those dark waters, says i.
Enjoy your days off. I hope you don't have to break out the pump.
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