For the moment, has a Google PageRank of 8/10.
I think this is related to the recent avalanche of hits I've been getting lately. Up until a few weeks ago, my typical daily number of visitors was 70 - 100. Starting a few weeks ago - when I wrote a certain post I've mentioned previously - my daily visits shot up to 200 - 300 each day.
Yesterday I had 1,718 visitors. That's 3.1% of the total visitors I've ever received.
In the past seven days I've had 4,256 visitors, accounting for 7.7% of my total visitors, and in the month of August I've had 7,883 visitors, accounting for 14.3% of my total.
It would be foolish to imagine that this level of traffic will continue, or that I will remain at a PageRank of 8/10. Still, I hope some fraction of these new visitors will become regular readers. If you are one of them, welcome! Please have a look around and let me know what you think of the place!
UPDATE, a few minutes later: Now it's back down to the regular PageRank of 4/10. Perhaps the new post diluted the rankings. Oh well.
Header image stockpile
4 weeks ago
When I come to your page four times in one day to see if you've posted yet, do I count as four visitors? This is happening a lot more now that you're working again and your updates are showing up at more variable times. Does the surge {I shudder to use that term ;-) } coincide with your return to the ranks of the employed?
Joy, I think the increase is more closely related to the "two moons on august 27" internet rumor, based on entry pages and referring searches.
I still owe you a response to an e-mail you sent me last week!
That's impressive D.B., no matter what the reason!
i don't even know what a google page ranking is. and i have to assume that's a good thing, because mine is probably negative 20 gazillion or something.
anyway, i have written more of the blogher saga. so stop yelling at me and go read it.
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