Before we left I took a "portrait shot" of Haley. Her hair has grown in quite a bit since the last picture I posted of her.

Haley , February 5, 2005

Haley met her dog friends in their fenced-in yard, where all three of them could roam freely. Here is Haley with the Elkhound Autumn as the two of them stalk through the yard. Haley is still wearing the harness that we traveled down with, which I bought several months ago when I was afraid her cough might have been being caused by pressure on her throat from her leash tugging on her collar.

Haley and Autumn

After some running around in the yard, we settled in for drinks, dinner, and a movie. Haley made herself at home on an unused dog bed, and my friends' baby soon began to play with the new dog in the house.

Haley and Baby

Near the end of our visit, Haley returned to the yard to take care of some business. Legolas and Autumn joined her again. Legolas, a Greyhound who bears a striking resemblance to an antlerless deer, wore one of his winter jackets outside. This is not the orange please-don't-shoot-the-dog version, as I think you can tell.

Haley and Legolas

After a long and fun afternoon and evening, Haley and I made the trip back to Nanticoke. I hope that we will have the chance to visit again a few more times.
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