All bloggers, blog readers, blog groupies, and just the blog-curious in the greater Northeastern Pennsylvania area (and outlying regions!) are invited to a get-together on Friday, March 26 at Rooney's Irish Pub, 67 S. Main St. Pittston, PA* 18704 starting at 5PM.
Gort42: Blogger meetup
Local politicians will allegedly be in attendance. Opinions shall be expressed. Beer shall be consumed. As it is a Friday in Lent, I will probably forgo the nachos in favor of pizza and/or some sort of fish thing. (Menu here.)
*Not here, Rooney, Kentucky, which is where anyone following my original directons link would be taken.** My apologies. And to anyone who followed those directions, I hope the locals are a friendly, non-yankee-hating sort.
**Turns out the original link was correct, but somehow the interpretation of the embedded html code gets mangled either by Blogger or by Google, which owns Blogger.
Header image stockpile
1 month ago
Better check that directions link
Well, if that jes' don't beat all. How the heck did THAT happen?
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