This is a photo I took on my Photo Expedition this weekend that didn't really fit anywhere else. After my time in Wilkes-Barre I made a trip to Max Saturday's Comics in West Pittston to pick up my latest arrivals (you won't believe how much trouble The Sentry just got himself into in Siege #2! Simultaneously earning the wrath of the Asgardian and Greek pantheons...this will not end well for Bob Reynolds!) and to tell Sam the comic shop owner (or, more specifically, his wife) to turn off my subscription for one of my comics. After I had concluded my business there I headed west along Route 11/Wyoming Avenue to pick up the Eighth Street Bridge from the Wyoming side. I parked on that end of the bridge to try to see if I could get photos from a different angle than I did the other day - but the snow- and ice-covered walkway made this too risky a proposition, especially since most of the photos I could possibly get from that end would be of the construction of the new bridge hust below and next to the old.
As I walked from the place where I had parked my car to the bridge proper, I saw a scene I had noted while driving several times before: The windmills (well, wind-driven electricity generators) of the Bear Creek Wind Farm appearing to loom over the Eighth Street Bridge.* The new juxtaposed with the old, coexisting (for the moment) in a single visual field.
This isn't the best picture. This is actually a crop of a much larger picture, which may have already been zoomed, I don't remember. Lighting conditions weren't very good, and for all I know I had condensation on my lens (as well as one cat hair, which I discovered later.) With better equipment under better circumstances, this would be a better photo. But if I were to wait until then, the bridge may be gone!
*This nearness is an illusion. The wind farm is actually six-and-a-half miles away, on Bald Mountain.
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