Well, new and revised, at least. The "improved" part will have to wait for a while.
First the revised links:
SuperG has remodeled and relaunched his blog. It's now called This Modern Age and is part of a new, comprehensive website called Super G World.
Lauren has once again changed blogging platforms and established a new site. The new version of Things I Carry is the fifth site of hers that I've linked to, each of which has replaced the previous one. And I never got around to linking to her dog Sammy Oscar's I Am Sam, which has since been replaced by Two Dogs Blogging, featuring Sam and his sister Jasmine!
Now the new (and not-so-new) links:
First off, I finally surrendered to a design bug in Blogger. When you add links to a link list, you have two options for sorting them: alphabetically, or newest first. My habit has always been to add the newest last. This can be done, but it requires that you manually move the link, one step at a time: from the first position to the second position to the third position...after your list of links gets long, this becomes very tedious.
So I did a workaround. "Blog Links" on the sidebar is now followed by "More Blog Links", which is where you'll find these links.
First off is Webster's webster107.com. He's half of the Rock 107 morning team of Daniels & Webster, the funniest and (I think) longest-running morning team in all of Northeastern Pennsylvania. His announcement in January of 2006 that he was starting a blog was, in part, the inspiration for creating NEPA Blogs. (Unenlightened self-interest was another part of the inspiration. Remind me to tell you about it sometime.) And I'm finally getting around to linking him from Another Monkey!
Next is Melissa Auf der Maur's Lightning Is My Girl. I've been reading her for quite some time. If you think you don't know who Melissa Auf der Maur is, you possibly do, if you're familiar with the final albums of Hole and Smashing Pumpkins. (Well, Machina was the Pumpkins' final album until recently.)
I didn't get any photos of the gorgeous woman in a belly-dancing costume who happened to be walking around at the 2007 Sideshow Gathering, partly because I wasn't sure if she was a performer, or just one of the attendees. Some detective work after the fact revealed her as Sal the Cinch, a.k.a. Sally the Cinch, a.k.a. . . . several other things, really. Notably faeriemage of Procrastination Landfill.
I've had MaryRuth's Where's The Bubbler? on my Blog Links Favorites in Internet Explorer for quite some time, but haven't visited often enough, as I realized recently when I didn't even recognize her name in a comment. Having her blog easily accessible from my sidebar will remind me to visit more often.
Finally, two from MerelyMe, who is in my "Friends of Whim" subcategory on my Favorites list. She's a great blogger and a wonderful photographer, and if you know me, you know the fact that she's a gorgeous woman didn't escape my notice. Her blog that I've been reading off-and-on by way of linking from comments she leaves on Whim's blog is called Multiple Sychronicities (and Sclerosis). On a recent visit I discovered she has a spinoff blog called Morning Writer, showcasing her poetry and photography. Check it out!
As for the "improved" part:
While I was poking around my template trying to remember how to add new blogs I noticed that Blogger has finally added a "Blog List" element to its list of page elements. I'm not sure how it works, but it promises to let you know when one of the blogs on your blog list has been updated. This is very useful - "Live Links" was one of my favorite features of FireFox - but I don't know if it would only work with blogs that support RSS feeds or whatever. Maybe, someday, I'll consider adding that, if it isn't more trouble than it's worth.
Header image stockpile
4 weeks ago
Many thanks to the shout out.
I'm probably going to start by going into a boring bit about statistics, power calculations, etc. Things most people don't care too much about.
Best Wishes, SG
thanks for the link, I'll put you on mine
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