We all know what they are. We've all seen them, and some of us have used them. Little clicky counter things, like the one Ben Affleck used in this commercial I saw when I was in Ireland. (In the U.S. there was a less-funny version starring Nick Lachley.) I think they were once used as inventory counters back before we had computerized inventory systems and wireless barcode scanners. I've also seen one used by a doorman at a club, though I'm not sure why - the number of people in line at just one of the three bars on the top floor exceeded the posted maximum occupancy for the entire club.
But where do I get one? I want to use it to count the number of Trick-Or-Treaters I get on Halloween. From poking around online I have a feeling I might need to check out a sporting goods department or store, though I don't know why they would have them there. Anybody have any suggestions?
CLARIFICATION: I should have said "Other than the Internet, where can I get one?" Call me old-fashioned, but I like buying things in bricks-and-mortar stores. Plus I'd like to avoid shipping and handling charges for such a small, trivial item.
UPDATE! Thanks to the Internet - specifically, the websites of bricks-and-mortar big box stores - I have found TWO counters! Staples has one for $11.99, and Dick's Sporting Goods has one for $9.99. Office Max and Gander Mountain don't seem to know what I'm talking about. I'd rather go to a local office supply or sporting goods store, but all of them seem to have gone out of business.
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1 month ago
Where do you go to get anything and evrything? Amazon or Ebay. Maybe a place like Office Max or Staples would have it.
We use them for one test in the lab (which would be prohibitively expensive to automate). You might try a lab-supply catalog. Keep that in mind as a last resort, tho...everything marketed to hospital labs seems to cost 500% over what you'd pay to Walmart for a similar item.
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