Here's a little experiment. I'm going to step through ten blogs using the "Next Blog" button provided by Blogger. I will provide the name, link, and a description of the blogs. Any fake blogs I find I will flag, and I encourage you to flag them too.
The Wilsons: Family News, Events, Photos, and Happenings
Wow. This looks amazingly wholesome. And it just started on December 8, 2005, so it's not hard to catch up from the beginning. Very nice. A promising start to my walk.
Car Kills: "We have in the past overcomed all enemies (weather,calamity, plaque) but ourselves. We have invented cars. But cars also killed estimated 1.2 million people worldwide each year, and injure about 40 times this number. 42,636 people in US alone died in motor vehicle crashes in 2004. How often do your hear media discuss this?"
Check out "Roadside erotic images cause car accidents"!
Another wholesome family blog. This is not going as I expected!
Evo Morales, vido y milagros
Ummm, it's in Spanish. Best I can tell, it's about the President-elect of Bolivia?
nanotechnology blog: A Blog about Computers and Electronics
Exactly what it says.
Hmmm...halfway through this walk, and no "bitch blogs", no rants by 12-year-olds or psychopaths, no numbers blogs, or porn blogs, or ONLINE CASINO GAMBLING blogs, or other fake blogs. I am somewhat disappointed.
Artist Way Quilters
Lisa from Amazing Grace might find this interesting.
Dvalin Darkdale: Discussion of Asatru, Current Events and Religious Philosophy
Ummm, yeah. Warning: it's got a popup that Firefox blocked for me, so I have no idea what it is.
The Photography of Sam Adams
And you thought he was just about the beer! Lots and lots of photos - mostly artistic architectural.
Things That Make Me ANGRY!: These are posts of stupid everyday things that get under my skin.
At last! Not just a bitch blog, but a blog specifically dedicated to bitching!
A series of book and story reviews. This person must be plowing through books at an amazing rate.
So, there you have it: ten random blogs, all apparently legitimate. gzReads is probably the only one that I would feel much desire to return to, but I don't think I would be adding it to my blog links. But nothing that holds up Chris Pirillo's as-yet-unretracted assertions that Blospot is "nothing but a crapfarm" with 99% "splogs", or "fake blogs". I wonder how many more times I would have to click to get to something seedy, or fake...
Update: The answer is, apparently, eight, assuming that this blog is a fake one randomly adding content that contains the word "office". (Good luck making your way around the damaged template without spraining something.) So one for eighteen, that's not bad.
By the way, do check out the other blog belonging to GZ of gzReads, BrainyPants. This one may very well get added to my blog links. Be sure to check out the introductory post BrainyPants: Welcome to BrainyPants!
Header image stockpile
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
That was much more interesting than I thought it would be...
Last time I tried that, it was about six months ago, and they were all Advertisement Blogs...
Mr. H.K.
Postcards from Hell's
And I Quote Blog
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