Once again I'm having problems posting comments on IndustrialBlog. Maybe I've been banned. Maybe it's just a technical glitch.* Until we get it sorted out, I'll just post my comments here. We can always copy and paste them later, assuming the ones I posted earlier have vanished into the ether.
These comments are in chronological order, oldest first. (IndustrialBlog, like most blogs, is in reverse-chronological order, with the newest posts at the top. The comments for the newest post will be at the bottom of this list.)
No excuse
Chris, OK, now I understand what you were saying, though I'm still not sure how you missed this story. Even without cable TV, it was the top news story for several days last week on broadcast TV, the radio, newspapers, and the Internet. For my take on the story, and the story-that-is-the-story-about-the-story, check this post. There's even a link to one of the (still-archived) incorrect news stories, though you'll need a free online registration to read the full text.
Bitch blogs
I hope you don't think I was ripping into you, or speaking out of frustration. My crappy day has resulted in feelings of exasperation, not frustration - big difference. Frustration would have me ready to randomly lash out at the world. Exasperation means that I have had just about enough crap for one day, and I'm not ready to passively accept much more. I've been cruising a lot of blogs lately looking to add new ones to my links, and a lot of the ones I've been coming across that aren't fake blogs or the incoherent scribblings of a 12-year-old have fallen into the "bitch blogs" category. (And this includes some of the bigger and better-attended ones, too.) If you think that my comments were directed specifically at you, then maybe some introspection and review are in order. (If you want to see what specifically brought about this comment, go here. You'll need quite a lot of backstory to understand. I want to like her blog, but her bitching about her girlfriend - or possibly ex-girlfriend - gets on my nerves. Do you think yours is the only blog I visit?) I will say in public what I have said to your face: on your best days, you're better than George Will on his best days. And I'd rather read you than George Will. (But, hey, my subscription is for all of Newsweek, not just the parts I like. And I'm sure there are pagan babies somewhere who would love to feast their eyes on George Will's column every other week.)
Haven't we captured Al Qaeda's #2 man, like, eight times already?
Have you ever seen the cartoon of the Al Qaeda organizational chart? Osama bin Laden at the top, everybody else at #2.
*It looks like I've been de-linked from that site, so it's probably not just a technical glitch. The last time somebody de-linked me, I de-linked them in retaliation. Then I thought to myself, "You know what? This isn't High School, and I'm not 15," and I re-established the link. (She never did.) My links are there because I read these sites, and it makes it easier for me to get to them when I'm not at my own computer. If someone de-links me, it hurts my Google rank, but other than that, it's their business.
UPDATE: Now it looks like I'm there again. Maybe I was there all the while. I don't know.
Header image stockpile
4 weeks ago
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