Sunday, September 02, 2018

Late night, last call

My workday is over when the last call ends. (And is properly documented, and I shut down my systems and clear my cookies and send out an email noting my logout time.) Today that last call came through shortly before my scheduled quitting time and lasted until 7:38. It was simultaneously complex and relatively straightforward, and just required a little finagling and finessing to get it exactly the way the caller wanted it. I was able to end it with a caller who felt they got more than their money's worth out of their booking fee, and came out of the transaction knowing a bit more than they did when they began.

I wonder what that last call will be like on my last day, four weeks from today? Will it be miserable, or sweet? Will it be someone who makes me glad to be getting out of this business, or someone I wish I could work with again sometime? And if the latter, will they express the same sentiment? And if they do, will I be able to restrain myself from saying "Heh, funny story..."?

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