Secondly, this is exactly the sort of thing I'm afraid of with the church windows I'm writing about. Though I'm more concerned the Diocese may decide to make a quick buck by cutting them out and selling them to collectors themselves.
From, courtesy of Michelle:
Nanticoke, Newport police investigating stained glass thefts
By Bob Kalinowski
Staff Writer
Published: Monday, February 9, 2009 3:05 PM EST
Police are investigating a rash of burglaries in Nanticoke City and Newport Township involving the theft of stained glass windows.
At least 10 properties, mostly vacant homes that are for sale, have been targeted since Jan. 31, police in both municipalities say.
In most cases, burglars have forced entry into the home and busted the window frames to take the stained glass windows.
Homes targeted in Nanticoke were on East Church Street, South Prospect Street, and East Green Street. Properties burglarized in Newport Township were on Coal Street, and East and West Main Street in Glen Lyon, as well as Old Newport Street in Sheatown.
Investigators are asking residents with houses for sale and realty companies to check their properties.
Anyone with information is asked to call Nanticoke police at 735-2200 or Newport Township police at 735-2000.
UPDATE, sort of: Turns out this isn't the first time this has happened in Nanticoke.
From :
Man charged in theft of stained glass
A man was arrested in connection with a Nanticoke burglary Friday morning after he was caught carrying a stolen stained glass window, police said.
The man is also considered a suspect in several other burglaries, city police said.
William Bagielto, 37, 148 W. Church St., Nanticoke, was charged with burglary, theft, receiving stolen property and two counts of criminal trespass.
Three officers spotted Bagielto carrying an antique stained glass window in the 100 block of West Church Street. He told officers Leonard Nardozzo, Joseph Kosch and Richard Vietz that he found the window behind Weis Markets on Lower Broadway, police said. Police said that during a later interview with Nardozzo and Detective William Shultz, Bagielto admitted forcibly removing the window from an apartment building at 122 E. Main St. and breaking another, which fell to the sidewalk.
When Bagielto's home was searched, Nanticoke police found items taken during burglaries at 136 E. Ridge St., 22 W. Ridge St. and 154 W. Church St. Bagielto is being considered a suspect in those crimes, police said.
He was arraigned before District Justice Donald Whittaker, who set bail at $25,000. Bagielto's preliminary hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. May 22.
And these two items, from :
Police are investigating a burglary of a home owned by St. John’s Lutheran Church on State Street where two stained glass windows, two stained glass doors and copper pipe were stolen on Tuesday.
William O’Malley, of Kosciuszko Street, reported a stained glass window was stolen from a residence he owns on East Grand Street on Wednesday.
1 comment:
Dude, WHY?! Argh, this makes me so angry. People need to suck less.
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