Just because some people seem not to have noticed...
Attention state and local officials: IT'S SNOWING!
Yes, it's snowing. In fact, it's still snowing right now. But you know what? People still have to get home from work. So, rather than waiting until it stops snowing to send out the snowplows, maybe you could clear the roads for the working stiffs who would very much like to make it home alive and in one piece? Oh, and be a dear and make sure they're clear in the morning - keeping in mind some people have to start work at 6:00. Thanks a bunch. Have some taxes.
Attention truckers: IT'S SNOWING!
Maybe you didn't take Physics in school, but I'm sure you've learned a few things in your time on the road. Like the fact that it takes a certain amount of distance to stop a moving vehicle. Like the fact that your brakes don't work on snow-covered highways nearly as well as they do on dry pavement. Like the fact that during a snowstorm highways may be full of the sort of things that may cause smaller vehicles to stop suddenly. Like the fact that these smaller vehicles have a much shorter stopping distance than you do.
In other words: five feet is not a safe following distance in any conditions, especially not at highway speeds, particularly especially not when the roads are covered with snow. So back it the hell up, before you kill more people. OK?
Attention SUV drivers: IT'S SNOWING!
You know, it still doesn't feel like Winter to me, because I haven't seen one of you on your roof yet. But you know what's almost as bad as SUV drivers who think they are invincible and drive like maniacs regardless of road conditions? SUV drivers who drive at 5 miles per hour on the highway because there's some snow on the road! Hellooooo! We can go a little bit faster than that, you know!
Attention me: IT'S SNOWING!
So get the hell off the computer and start clearing some sidewalks!
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1 month ago
We got an inch of snow, then a bunch of ice. Still haven't had to use the shovel this season. When it snows, I work from home. When its icy, I work from home. I hate driving in bad weather, and other drivers are safer with me off the road.
I have SUCH a fear of truckers that ride @ss. To the point that I often avoid the interstate even on nice days. I call it the "scenic route". You know, the one where you get to live to see another day.
Snowed here today. Today it all melted away. Poor Frosty the Snowman!
I find it amazing how people drive worse when the weather gets worse.
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