Sunday, February 03, 2008

Coming up...

I'm tired. I'm doing an awful lot of gear shifting here, and the Great Machine is groaning in protest.

See, tomorrow is the day I start my Monday-through-Friday, 8:00 to 4:30, eight-and-a-half hours a day schedule. I've already reset my alarms for 5:00 instead of 3:00. But yesterday was my last day of my 4-days-on-4-days-off, 6:00 to 6:00, twelve hours a day schedule. Meaning that instead of having four days off like a good little 4x4 employee should, or two days off like much of the rest of the world, I've got just one day off this weekend. Today. And I was actually supposed to be working today - it would have been the last day of my 4x4 rotation. But the powers-that-be decided that maybe I shouldn't work nine consecutive days on two different schedules.

So, like I said, I'm tired today. Instead of writing an actual post, I'll give you little previews of some posts I'm working on:*

The Golden Age: A lot of Republicans talk about the return of a Clinton to the White House as the most disastrous thing that can befall this country. As I recall, the Clinton years (January 21, 1993 - January 21, 2001) were some of the best years in recent American history - well, hell, all of American history. Let's just say history, period. Or was that just me? A personal reflection on the Clinton years and what made them great - for me, at least.

Contact Memory: If you've read my introductory post, you know I have synethesia (a smidgen) and prospagnosia prosopagnosia (a touch). These are both little brain-wiring issues that are pretty well-known and not very rare. But I also have one thing - ability, superpower, whatever - that I've never heard or read about before. It's a blessing and a curse, and part of the answer to the question "Why don't you just throw that crap out?"

Materialist: Related to the previous post, a further exploration of my relationship with material objects - and what happens when they are lost or destroyed. Brought on by a revelation today that a 41-year-old collector's item book that I was never allowed to even touch as a child has recently been used as a source of material for a school project. Literally.

A Rock Too Heavy To Lift: An exploration of the question, "What was the point of Jesus, anyway?" Or, more precisely, "Why did one crucifixion matter so much in a time when crucifixions were relatively common?" Also explores God's neuroses, and the meaning of the story of Adam and Eve. (This is a post I've been kicking around for a couple of years.)

When will I get to these? I don't know. I planned on writing The Golden Age this weekend, but I've just run out of steam.

Maybe tomorrow.

*...what? Don't look at me like that. Doesn't every blogger plan out posts days or weeks or months or even years ahead of time?


Robin said...

Oh, crap.

I found you through Whim.

You've got me intrigued.

And, you're tired.


You're bookmarked.

I'll wait.


whimsical brainpan said...

I agree with you that the Clinton years were the best I've seen in my lifetime.

The post on Contact Memory sounds very intriguing.