Tuesday, December 04, 2018

The blank page

There are so many things I want to say. So much I want to write about, so much I want to preserve. But it seems that when I finally get the chance to blag each day, the time and the energy have slipped away. Even now, I have to get to bed in just a few minutes.

Thor is eating, and eating a lot. But his body is absorbing very little nutrition from the food he's taking in, and he's still losing weight. I will perform his first at-home hydration session on Friday.

My mom's chronic pain is getting worse and worse. She moans and groans with each step. I feel guilty about doing anything at all that isn't directly related to helping her, but there is almost nothing I can do that can help her. She is scheduled for knee replacement surgery in five weeks. I am hoping that does more good than harm.

Temperatures are supposed to slip well below freezing for the next few nights. I have a frost cover on the windshield. At least no snow or ice is expected - bad weather can easily double my commute. I still haven't pulled the tomato stakes out of my garden. Maybe this weekend.

Last week's Poems at the Pub was inspiring. Of all the poetry readings and open mics I've known and loved, this one is the most relaxing. The setting is beautiful and photographs very well. I don't know if I'll be able to make it to the next one in January, at least not for the whole reading, but I will try.

Time for bed.

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