Monday, December 03, 2018

Blogging and the weather

I use my blog for a lot of reasons. As an external memory storage. As a place to share stories, poems, and photographs. As a personal diary. As an almanac to keep track of the rhythms of the year.

I'm in training for my new job right now. One was this place differs from my old employer is the fact that, in the event of a major snowstorm, they will put employees up in a nearby hotel. They often speak about how this was done just this past year. Only I have no recollection of a major snowstorm this past year.

Scratch that. I just remembered a major snowstorm that never materialized. Our call center was actually closed as a result. People showed up for work that day, only to find the doors locked. It seemed like a waste since the snow never came to us.

My new job is about nine miles east and slightly north of my old workplace, and at a higher elevation. On Friday we had snow at work, a beautiful, light, fluffy snowstorm that didn't amount to anything. Nanticoke, at the same time, had nothing, not even a flurry. Is it possible that the same snowstorm - most likely the "Bomb Cyclone of January 2018" - that seemed so overhyped in Nanticoke was devastatingly crippling in Wilkes-Barre? I don't know. Maybe there was some other major snow storm that I'm forgetting?

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