Monday, June 25, 2018

Notes for June 25, 2018

- I woke up having a dream about Kim N., someone I had known and been infatuated with back in college. (We had a moment, which never amounted to anything, and then something happened to derail her life for a while, and we never got back together. Years later, a mutual friend told me...well, just how big of a mistake I had made in not pursuing things further.) I haven't seen her in about thirty years. I had heard she was married and living in the Midwest. In my dream she was part of the NEPA poetry community, and was hanging out at a reading. We got to talking, and made plans to get together at the next reading. When I woke up enough to think clearly, I invested about three minutes searching for her online, and found her. Looks like she's still married - possibly to the same person after all these years - but her Facebook page is buttoned up tight.

- The Stella D'Oro daylilies are finally blooming. (I have pictures.) I expect the the tiger lilies will begin blooming soon - they are already in full bloom elsewhere throughout Nanticoke.

- Aaaaand the water heater just died. We're waiting to see if we can get someone out here to fix or replace it, but it doesn't look like that will be possible this afternoon. (I work 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM for the next three days, and I am planning to go to a poetry reading tomorrow after work.)

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