Sunday, June 24, 2018

Dinner conversation: Sex, politics, and religion

THE SETTING: University of Scranton, 1988. A Presidential election year, with Michael Dukakis running against the incumbent Vice President George H.W. Bush. A group of us were gathered for dinner in the upstairs cafeteria of the (now demolished) Student Center, a room also known as the Pocono Northeast Room. Joining us was a Born-Again Christian friend who had been expressing opinions about the subservience of women, and how they do not belong in public service.

ME: "So if there were a presidential election between a highly-qualified Christian woman and a man who is a Satanist who believes abortion should be mandatory and all Christians should be put to death..."

HIM: "I would vote for the man. Women don't belong in public office."

I just realized that I foresaw the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election, or at least the reason for the Evangelical vote, back in 1988.

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