Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Writing started

And now, as my "free time" is about to be drastically curtailed, I have been inspired to start writing.

It's a story I've been kicking around for a few months. I started writing it today when I became impatient while waiting for someone. I haven't put out much yet - fewer than 750 words, though that is trimmed down a bit from what I initially wrote. That's just the opening written out. I know where I'm going with the climax and the conclusion. What I'm missing in the middle is a good description of a place the likes of which I haven't been to in close to twenty years. I can fake it to an extent, but I think at some point I'm going to make some really dumb statement that will throw the reader familiar with places like this right out of the story. So, only one thing to do: field research.

But I think that field research will have to wait until I am drawing a paycheck again.

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