Monday, November 19, 2018

Tumbling into Thanksgiving

I start a new job next Monday. This week I'm trying to cram in a lot of things, since I'm looking at ten weeks of inflexible training - no opportunity for time off. So I've been running my mom to appointments, and running one of our cats to appointments, and on Wednesday I'll be taking the car in for its annual inspection. The inspection is due in January, but I would only be able to get it done on weekends in January, and our preferred mechanic is only available Monday through Friday. Fortunately, a January inspection can be done in November, so Wednesday it is. (Besides, if there is some special work that needs to be done, I have time to get it done before the inspection expires.)

I have a story that I repost every Thanksgiving, and this year will be no different. I have another story that I wrote years ago that is ostensibly a Christmas story, but is actually set just before Thanksgiving. It's a satire about the "keep Christ in Christmas" movement, but many of the satirical elements are dangerously close to coming true - if they haven't already. I've never posted that story to this blog, and don't know if that will happen anytime soon.

I haven't written anything of significance in a while, in part for the same reasons I couldn't possibly take on the work-at-home position offered to me as our old workplace was shutting down. I don't foresee these reasons going away anytime soon, and may possibly get worse after I'm once again gainfully employed. But I will try. I'm reading some inspirational material right now - "Storyteller" by Kate Wilhelm - and will get to see one of my favorite local poets in just a few days, so we'll see if the dark spirit of creativity will once again settle over me like a shroud.

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