Sunday, September 16, 2018

Time to mow the lawn

I currently work four ten-hour days each week with three days off. This might sound like a great shift, and in some ways it is. But the ten hour days, which often stretch out closer to eleven hours, tend to leave you drained and exhausted and uninterested in doing much of anything beyond getting ready for the next day of work. The three days off are great, but if you want to get anything done outside, you'd better hope for nice weather on those days off. Because you're not going to mow the lawn if it's wet or raining, and you probably shouldn't if it's very hot or oppressively humid. Which pretty much defines this summer.

The upshot of this is that it's been about three weeks since I last mowed the lawn, and the grass - aided by all that rainfall - is pretty damned tall. So tomorrow's lawnmowing, which won't get started until after the dew burns off around midday, will be a most-of-the-day affair.

I'm hoping there will only be one or two more mowings after this one. Then it will be time to rake, shred, and mulch the leaves, and then the time of shoveling and spreading salt.

It never ends. Until it does.

UPDATE, Monday, September 17: The outer bands of what's left of Hurricane Florence, which brought so much devastation to the Carolinas these past few days, brought rain to this area a few hours earlier than expected. I got a few passes into the lawn when the spitting drizzle that started as I began mowing turned into a regular rainshower. It slowed later, but continues to come down, and is supposed to be very heavy overnight. So this lawn will have to wait until at least Friday to be mowed.

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