Monday, May 07, 2018


Nothing new has blossomed today. The azalea is still on the verge of blooming, but the switch from sunny warm days to gray skies and rain has stopped it for the moment. So here's something I'm pulling out of the trunk, so to speak.

Last Friday I went for a walk around the neighborhood to see if I could locate the source of the shingle that came through our window. (I think I found it.) While I was out I noticed that a magnolia tree a few houses down has started to lose its blossoms. So I decided to get some pictures.

Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, flower, outdoor and nature
May 4, 2018

April 25, 2005

It's...not that much significantly larger. It seems to have lost a secondary trunk, on the right in the second photo.

Image may contain: plant, tree, flower, sky, outdoor and nature

The view from below, looking up.

Image may contain: flower, plant and food

The view from below, looking down.

The blooms on this magnolia are nearly spent. But we'll see what blooms next.

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