Saturday, May 05, 2018

Big Day, part whatever

Today I had a Big Day. That's a day where I squeeze in multiple major events or activities, usually one after another.

So today I:
  • Went to the dentist for my six-month cleaning
  • Went to my cousin's daughter's First Holy Communion
  • Went to the reception afterwards
  • Went to Free Comic Book Day at my comic book shop and picked up four months of comics (I would swear I was just there a month or so ago!)
  • Went to a gathering of bloggers and friends to hang out and watch the Kentucky Derby
While at the church I photographed something I've been meaning to get an image of for a long time. Also, I noticed that some of the azaleas are ready to bloom - maybe as soon as tomorrow! We'll see.

All this has left me a bit tired. So I'll sign off now.

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