Thursday, April 23, 2009

Items checked off (and added to) the list, Thursday, April 23

Things accomplished:

- Mowed my lawn across town.
- Assembled and positioned a composter.
- Transferred a sod lifter from here to there.

- FAILED to make a lunch date with my old professor, because he and the other professor I was hoping to meet with, who I first spoke to at a professor's retirement party last year, are leaving for Europe tomorrow. Maybe for a conference, maybe to hitchhike from brothel to brothel, I'm not sure. Today they were at a Solar Scholars event, which is exactly the sort of thing I'd like to talk with them about.

New items added to the vacation checklist:

- Buy insecticide for killing Carpenter Bees that are eating my garage.
- Kill Carpenter Bees that are eating my garage.
- Plug up entrance holes for Carpenter Bees yadda yadda.

Unfortunately, the bees are already active. Well, maybe what I saw today were just Bumblebees and not Carpenter Bees. Either way, I was kinda hoping to catch them while they were still in a state of cold-induced inactivity. I'd rather not be up on a ladder when I discover that I've been misinformed about the lack of stingers on Carpenter Bees.


  1. ...

    ... maybe to hitchhike from brothel to brothel .....?!!!?!!?

    I am thinking maybe you meant 'hostel to hostel' ...but maybe you did mean what it says.


    'malinfe' ...then 'cooties'..!! a real word..!!

  2. I said what I meant and I meant what I said.

    And what is a brothel, anyway, but a hostel with slightly different accomodation arrangements? And different payment terms, I suppose...

  3. ...

    I said what I meant and I meant what I said.Hey, where is my smilie..?? It was _just_ a question. ...:minism:...

    If they are former professors of yours it would seem they are old to be hitchhiking across Europe, let alone from one 'hostel', 'brothel', whatever to the next.


  4. Heh. I was thinking I should have added a smile! Or a :P !

    Ah, but these are Physics professors, in the mold of Richard Feynman! (In some ways, anyway!)! Never too old for a midlife crisis!

    Naaah, I'm not serious...well, I'm not not sure that they'll be hitchhiking from brothel to brothel. But it wouldn't surprise me in the least! I suppose if I ever do manage to arrange a lunch with them, I'll get plenty of stories of their adventures!
