Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Virtual Refrigerator

I just made some grape juice out of the grapes that I harvested from my back vine today. Assuming it turns out well, I'll post instructions here later.

I just created a new blog. It's one that I've been planning for a while: The Virtual Refrigerator. It will be a showcase for all the refrigerator art being churned out by my two nephews, and possibly a few guest artists. The second post actually preceded the first, introductory post, but I mucked about with timelines and I think I got them in the order I wanted without generating too many paradoxes.

If you have any refrigerator art scans you'd like to post on The Virtual Refrigerator, let me know! Or, if you decide to create a similar site of your own, let me know and I'll link it!


  1. I have tons of artwork, but it is all "abstract"

  2. ...
    Dude ... like you need another blog..!!



    ...just teasing you.

    We have 15 y/o stuff/artwork still up on our basement walls downstairs... I like this idea a lot better...

