Friday, September 19, 2008

Sorry, wrong number

The phone rang yesterday afternoon, and it was for me. The following is a paraphrase, since I didn't record or write down the conversation as it occurred.

There was a pleasant-sounding woman on the other end of the line.
Her: Hello, would you be willing to participate in a four-question political survey?

Me: Sure, why not?

Her: Do you intend to support John McCain and Sarah Palin in the upcoming election?

Me: (Ummm, are those my only choices?) No.

Her: Are you undecided, or is that definite?

Me: No, that's definite.

Her: OK. Do you plan to vote for Lou Barletta or Paul Kanjorski?

Me: Kanjorski.

Her: OK, in the upcoming election, which of these subjects will influence your decision? (I don't remember all the items, but it was a list of five, including the Economy, and ending with Immigration and "Pro-Life." It would have been more honest for her to say "Overturning Roe v. Wade" or "Outlawing abortion in all cases, including rape and incest, which we in the Republican Party don't believe happen often enough that anyone should get too worked up over the statistically insignificant number of girls who will be required by law to bear the fruit of their rapist's efforts." )

Me: Ummm...the first three.

Her: OK. (Giggling) And now I have to ask...would you be interested in volunteering for McCain - Palin?

Me: No, thank you.

Her: OK. Thank you, and have a good evening.

Me: You too!
Dammit. I should've tried to turn her.

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