Monday, September 29, 2008

Deadline to register to vote: October 6, 2008!

One of the positive aspects of the Clinton-Obama slugfest across almost all fifty states and quite a few territories was that it served as the greatest voter registration drive we've seen in a long time. People who had never been registered before and people who hadn't voted in years, as well as long-time registered voters, sat up and noticed that the Democratic Primary was a real contest! People knew that their vote could make history: would they be creating the possibility for the first black President, or the first female President?

The contest didn't quite make it through all 50 states. But it made it far enough to result in a huge increase in the number of registered voters in the U.S.

For those who haven't registered yet, it's not too late. But it is very nearly too late! In Pennsylvania, the deadline to register to vote for the President in the 2008 election is October 6, 2008. You can learn more about registering to vote in Pennsylvania at You can also go directly to the Applications and Forms page. Or...

...or I could just grab all the links and post them here:

Voter Registration

Absentee Ballot

Alternative Ballot

So if you haven't registered to vote yet, please do so now! Time is running out!

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