Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Secret Santa fail

We're doing a Secret Santa thing in my training class. The person I drew requested candles, animal print things, or gift cards to T.J. Maxx, Ulta, or...someplace else, I forget where. Anyway, a while back I ventured into T.J. Maxx and carefully selected two candles - then put them back, selected two others, put them back, and repeated this again and again. Finally I was satisfied with two candles, made my way to the register, and checked out. I put the two candles, carefully wrapped from the store, in a drawer where they would be safe until it was time to wrap them.

Tonight I took them out of the drawer and promptly dropped one of them, still wrapped in several layers of paper, about three inches onto a carpeted floor. The glass jar holding the candle cracked like an eggshell. So I guess tomorrow night I'll be going out to buy a replacement.

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