Sunday, November 04, 2018

The Lands at Hillside Farms, November 4, 2018

It was a beautiful day today.The weather is supposed to get worse as the week goes on - especially Tuesday. Tuesday is supposed to be cold and rainy and miserable. But you know what? Tuesday, November 6 is Election Day. It doesn't matter how bad the weather is - you get your ass to the polling place and VOTE.

Leaf color peaked in this part of Northeastern Pennsylvania on October 31. On October 30 we weren't quite there yet. By November 1 we were past peak. But on October 31 the leaf colors were bright and vibrant, the leaves were full and healthy-looking, and very few had dropped from the trees. By today, November 4, it seems that half the trees are bare, even ones that hadn't been showing a hint of color a week ago, and those leave that remain on the trees seem shriveled and faded.

I haven't been to The Lands at Hillside Farms in over a year. I hadn't seriously planned to visit there today. But the sky was blue, the sun was shining, and who knows if this might be the last beautiful day for a while? And when the next beautiful day comes around, will there be any leaves left on the trees? I decided I wanted to grab some photos, and The Lands at Hillside Farms seemed like the best place to do it.

A long-abandoned Victorian greenhouse.

All of the parking lots were full. People were driving around waiting for someone else to pull out.
There was a line to get into the dairy shop. I didn't stop in. Maybe some other time.

Alpaca with a lion cut.

Goat see-saw.

Some people had just walked by with a bag of popcorn, and this fellow brayed loudly that he wanted some.

Otis the Pig. I promised him last year that I would see him again. I didn't think it would be quite so long.

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