Monday, November 26, 2018

St. Joseph's: Another church is coming down

After having stood empty for over eight years without attracting a buyer, St. Joseph's Church in Nanticoke is now slated for demolition.

Here it is in better days, two years before it closed:
St. Joseph's Church, Nanticoke, October 18, 2008. The church would be closed two years later.

The stained glass windows were removed and sold several years ago, and since then the church has stood with simple clear glass in their place. But as of this past week, even that was gone.

St. Joseph's Church, November 25, 2018. The stained glass windows were removed and sold some time ago, and now even the plate-glass replacement windows have been removed.

I wanted to try to get photos some late afternoon on a sunny day, when the sun would shine through the empty window frames and fill the church with light. But it may be that such a sunny day may never happen in the time that that remains.

Soon another piece of Nanticoke's history will be nothing but photographs, memories, and rubble.

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