Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Spinning wheels

I spent most of the day doing stuff - several loads of wash for my mom, running them up to the laundromat to be dried. I had some stuff that I ordered for her waiting at a store, and while I was there I got a haircut.

I guess that's job search related.

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Tonight I heard some odd noises on the back porch after I had put out food for the neighborhood feral cats. (There are two, Little Girl and Mister Black. Sometimes Mister Yellow comes by for food and to vie for Little Girl's affections. Sometimes it works. She is safely unable to have kittens, thanks to a trap-spay/neuter-release program eight years ago.) What I heard on the porch were not cats but enormous raccoons, the size of medium-large dogs - let's say wolves. Two of them, squeezed together side-by-side in the doorway, eating the dry food. Each time they chewed they seemed to be snarling. They stared at me with their bandit-mask eyes for a bit, and then the second one reached out with a clever forepaw and started to drag the bowl of cat food off the porch. I yelled and approached them, and they retreated from the porch.

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