Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Final days

My current workplace will close at the end of the day Sunday. I have work tomorrow, Thursday. I have Friday and Saturday off. And then I work Sunday. I will be one of a handful of people working the last shift on the last day of our company's existence.

People have been leaving to begin the next phase for a while now. Many people have chosen a work-at-home option offered by the last campaign we had a contract with. Some began to transition to this new position at the beginning of the month, and a few more have been moving every week. Some are still waiting to find out if they have been approved to work at home.  Others have simply quit, or have left to pursue other opportunities.

But tomorrow will be different. For many people, their last scheduled day is Friday. For others, it's Saturday. I am not working either of these days, so tomorrow will be the last time I will see these people at work, and the last time they will see me. We will still keep in touch with each other, many of us, through Facebook. If most of us aren't Facebook friends with everyone else in the group, in most cases we are just one or two mutual friends away.

Even though Sunday will be my last day, tomorrow will have its own sense of finality about it.

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