Saturday, September 29, 2018

Dream of the empty workplace

I had a dream about work last night, the first in a long time. This one was about the place closing, as it is in real life.

In the dream I noticed that key-card access had been removed from everywhere and now all the doors would just pop open. Most of the desks and cubicles were now empty - as they will be in real life when I walk in tomorrow. People were sitting in meetings with supervisors, crying (I recognized one guy who had actually been fired a few months ago) or taking selfies (I accidentally photobombed one as I walked into the place - cell phones and cameras are not allowed on the floor there.)

Tomorrow is going to be very weird. Most of the stuff has been taken down from the walls in the past few weeks. Yesterday, when I strolled in on my day off for a Special Guest Appearance, a lot of people were having their last day. Tomorrow everyone but the handful of us who are scheduled to work will have already packed up and left that place for the last time. And when we leave at 7:00 tomorrow night, it will really, finally, be over.

1 comment:

  1. Harold, I've been following your postings in this series, and I give you a lot of credit for maintaining a positive attitude in spite of it all. Having lost a job myself, I know it's not exactly an easy road to travel. Reach out to me if there is anything I can do to help.

    All the Best...Steve
