Saturday, September 22, 2018

Call for submissions to Word Fountain!

You - yes, you - have a poem or a story in you. Share it with the world, and become a published author! Word Fountain is the literary magazine of the Osterhout Free Library of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. They accept submissions from all over the world. Submissions for the next issue will be accepted from September 24 through October 29. From the Word Fountain website,
We have an engaged local and regional audience, and thanks to our internet presence, a growing national and global readership as well. We are committed to featuring writers from Northeast Pennsylvania along with poets and storytellers from all over the state, the country, and around the globe. We particularly enjoy showcasing talented new and emerging writers right alongside those with experience and previous publication.
Submission guidelines for Word Fountain

So, put pen to paper,* or fingers to keyboard, hack and slash, revise, revise, revise, and when you've had enough and are ready to throw the whole thing into the fire, submit to Word Fountain!

*Only electronic submissions are accepted. So, when you're done, type it up and send it in per the submission guidelines.

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