Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Shouters

For all the damage Donald Trump has done to the office of the President of the United States, for all the truly awful precedents he has set that his successors will choose to either embrace or renounce, there is one bizarre innovation that has been introduced that intrigues me more than some: the Shouters.

You've heard them. At the end of press conferences, Oval Office appearances, or other occasions that Trump deigns to allow the press to hear him speak, there are always several women who are shouting "OUT! COME ON! LET'S GO! OUT! GET OUT!" on top of each other, over and over, drowning out any final questions and generally causing an atmosphere of chaos.

Who are these people? What's their official job description? Has any other president (or, should I say, President, current occupant excluded) employed anyone in such a role? I don't ever remember hearing such a thing before. Press conferences would generally end with a few shouts of "Mister President! Mister President!" as the President walked out of the room. No one was trying to shout down or drown out these questions.

But now it's become routine. Just another symptom of a chaotic regime that has brought shame upon the United States of America. Let's hope we can all survive the occupation, however long it lasts.

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