Sunday, April 08, 2018

Old family photos

About eight years ago I dumped some old family photos to Facebook. Back then Blogger's interface for adding photos to posts was slow and cumbersome. Now that they've made it easier, I've decided to archive these here on my blog as well. I'll try to add descriptions and content at a later time.

UPDATE, July 2, 2018: Put not your faith in simple solutions. I used Blogger's copy-and-paste function using photos I had posted to Facebook. But this doesn't actually copy and paste anything. Instead it hotlinks the photo from the source into the blog post. And if anything happens to change the address of where Facebook stores or indexes the photo - poof, no more photo on Blogger.

So the next solution is to download the photos from Facebook to a file, and then upload the photos the old-fashioned way into Blogger. This then stores and indexes the photos wherever Blogger stores and indexes photos - which is fine, until that gets changed, too.

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