Friday, April 20, 2018

Nanticoke panorama

Panorama 1, April 20, 2018. Click on the image to see in higher resolution
Panorama 2, April 23, 2018

Panoramic view of Nanticoke as seen from Holy Trinity Cemetery in Newport Township.

Five churches can be seen here:

St. Stanislaus (now closed) on the far left, orange and copper-green with a gray roof on the domed steeple;

St. Joseph (now closed), brick red with a dark steeple, partially obscured by trees;

Holy Trinity (now St. Faustina Main Site), tawny yellow with a dark steeple;

St. John Slovak Lutheran, yellow-orange with a dark steeple;

and St. Mary's (now St. Faustina Secondary Site), brick red with a gray steeple.

The image is level, the far landscape actually slopes up from left (north) to right (south), while the grounds of the cemetery drop off on a sharp hill.

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